Deprecated: mysql_escape_string(): This function is deprecated; use mysql_real_escape_string() instead. in /home3/drhashemi/public_html/engine/classes/mysqli.class.php on line 151  Quality creation in educational system based on information and communication technology » وب سایت دکتر سید احمد هاشمی در شیوه های نوین آموزش
هدیه معنوی این مجموعه را به روح پاک مادر و پدر بزرگوارم تقدیم می کنم و از همه خوانندگان محترم برای ایشان التماس دعا دارم
موضوع: مقالات كنفرانس هاي خارجي    نويسنده: administrator    تاريخ: 4 آذر 1388    بازديدها: 1974

Quality creation in educational system based on information and communication technology

By : seyed Ahmad Hashemy




It has been many years that developed countries uses information technology as an important tool for development. Rapid environmental changes in information age has faced all organizations and human based associations like education department with challenges such as globalization, heavy competition, lack of supplies and unpredictable fluctuations . So education for confronting the new situation has to reform and use more information and communication technology as a public and private benefits, and formation of communications technology in education plays an important role in using the information and communications technology (ICT). Thus for changing communications technology to public culture we need to fully survey this important subject  with a systematic attitude  in education, establishment of  virtual schools, cooperation and coordination in all official organizations, and private sectors and legislation. Following these methods will lead to effectiveness of education system, equal educational opportunities for students in all levels , quantitative and qualitative progress in education, creating a research sprite in teachers and students, enrichment of self-assessment, improvement of  decision-making and understanding knowledge, educating experts and job creation  and finally the avoidance of brain drain.

Key words: Quality, technology , Information ,Communication



With the growth in globalization procedure and expansion in information and communication technology all the aspects of human life have faced enormous changes and the education department as an educational foundation has greatly encountered with these changes.  And if it cannot adapt himself with these changes it can live no longer.  Information and communication technology has become a crucial part of a modern society in this short time.  Now most of the countries parallel with reading, writing and calculating emphasize understanding the information and communication technology and mastering basic skilled and concepts in information and communication technology as the central core of their education system.  This technology has been a blow to change in forming, learning and teaching methods nature by its high power in processing, storing and transmitting information.  And provide a suitable accommodation for presenting education services without limitation in time or place, Education department need a road construction an without using both information and communication technology such a reconstruction is impossible and it is crucial to make a road for expanding and performing the information and communication technology as soon as possible in the country.  System attic view toward goals and cooperation of members with each other and guidance and harmony of them toward goals and is the most efficient and suitable approach to improving efficiency in educational system in this regard first we define some words then with emphasizing on systematic view we represent the suitable solutions.

Definitions and word concepts

Systematic thinking means the cause and effect relationship between events and having holistic view to organizational matters and thinking to organization as a unique complex with considering corporation between parts for coming off the goals. (Ily and movafagi 2004)

Management technology of input and output of system. This management includes using methods; hardware, software and processing (means such operations like calculating, control, decision-making, evaluation and filtering (mahajames, 2002, p 40)).  Information consists of experiences, Knowing, knowledge and proved propositions in practical result of researches.  Communication is the existence of bilateral relations between all objective organization and nonobjective organization, units and the constructive factors and people of a society (norojiayan institute, 2002).  According to the above mentioned definitions information and communication technology means: management networks of production, processing, contribution and optimum consumption of information in order to improve the efficiency of system.

Information and communication technology is a combination of three areas which are information, computer and communication (sepehri 2002).  Computer unit is considered as the hardware and Provider of necessary tools and facilities for information and communication technology, data is running on the network as the leaven and raw materials.  Telecommunication is the third unit which connects two other units to each other.  And finally what comes out of combination of these three units is called informing which is used in different areas and education also is one of these areas.

History of information and communication technology

The historical background of communication and information comes back to ancient age. It Means when the human being painted the procedure of his hunting with a brush on the wall of caves. In this regard some believe history of information and communication technology comes back to 2600 BC and some others believe history of information and communication technology began when Egyptian start writing on the papyruses.  Generally the history of communication technology is divided to three periods

  • 1. Pre mechanic age (3000-1450) BC

  • 2. Mechanic age (1450-1840) AC

  • 3. Electronic age (1840-so far) AC

With the invention of mass Medias such as radio, television, telephone, Telegraph and satellite the role of information in the human life became more and with the invention of computer and the possibility of connecting the computers to each other Internet was created.  The history of Internet comes back to early 1960s, when the American defense department started an advance research project to connect several big computers all over the America.  Finally in 1965 Arpant project began and in 1969 Arpanet design connected 30 computers all over the America with which masters of university and the army scientists with help of computer interacted the information and soon sending the e-mail became possible by Arpanet and finally Roy Tomlinson expanded their first e-mail in 1971 and since that time one of the Widespread ways of communication is e-mail.  In 1972 Vinton carf established an internetworking group thus they called them father of Internet and finally in 1973 Internet became international (  so new technology which included communication tools and, computer, Internet, software and so on were called information and communication technology and because of its ability in interacting, processing, and storing information with high speed miraculously changed the human life.  And changed the method of education, trading, economic and presented the new concepts.  This technology in 1980s entered into educational environment and they used computer in student learning.  In the late 1980 schools were able to connect this technology to other communication technology network and in 1990 information and communication technology became unrepeatable part of educational system in countries. Importance and advantages of information and communication technology ( Pelegram and Anderson, 2002)

Importance and advantage of information and communication technology 

Today there is a special attention to the student activity thinking center in the education system sometimes teachers transfer the information and skills to the students and take any chance of activity from students.  If we give students the opportunity of selecting and extracting the content of information we will make inventions and discover background in the students.  New cultural theory emphasizes on the role of student in learning ( Seif, 1995).  According to research is the learner that thinks independently and emphasized on the process of learning, their learning process are more successful and stable in the result in contrast with the learner that relate their success or failure in education to the teachers or faith or external factors (Reter,1989).  E-learning which is the result of information and communication technology application emphasizes on process-center, self leading and self examining of Learner and it can be done with the below educational systems

  • 1. Electronic performance support system

  • 2. Synchronous virtual classroom

  • 3. Non synchronous virtual classroom

  • 4. Web based training

1-electronic performance support system: this system is used for education of user and whenever we need general information this information will be provided by  this system that a special Thatcher of this system is that it represented the learning the in needy time

2-synchronous virtual classroom; these classes are alive educational environment in which people in different places connect each other and are educated.

3-non synchronous virtual classroom; these classrooms are educational environment in the Internet that people use it since the educational environment is common for all but people use when they need and they understand whatever happens in class.

4-web based training

Wed is a customer based environment that uses protocol http for communicating and the web based training is a kind of training that is done in such environment ( Fatahiyan and Mahdavi,2007).  Information and communication technology has lots of advantages in different areas some of them are mentioned below

Presence in the national and international trading; by the information technology we can participate in any economic activity, national or international trading that we are interested in

Poverty reduction: the expansion of global knowledge of information technology that cause widespread use and the simple and cheaper contribution of information. In this case information is handy for everybody (Ana and viyoyan, 2000)

It widens the competition and makes it global

It improves the management of public port

The expense of action that is done with the information technology is much less than the Manual work

Application of multimedia's technology in activities increases incredibly.

      The capacity of the storing information increases unimaginably Efficiency increases

Transforming of information is done very fast without considering the dimension of time and place

Market traffic decreases because we don't need to go there

Decision-making goes toward rationality. (Vares, 1999)

Systematic view toward the information and communication technology

Habitual Mental and psychological overview for problems are called the systematic view.  The best advantage of systematic view is that we can describe all of the systems without considering nature, measure or complexity with just four Parameters of a system.  These four Parameters are, field, input, process and the output (Bula, Ily translation 1997)

So with considering this view we surveyed the affect of information and communication technology on any elements and factors of educational system (fig. 1)


The students and information and communication technology

The students are the raw materials of training and educational organizations that are trained with the efforts, plans and serious and continuous cares of managers and the teachers and Staffs and as a production of education system these students are delivered to the society. (Mir kamali, 2002)

In this regard assembly of curriculum assessment declared the skills that are needed for students of 21 century as below: (Jaryani, 2001)

Knowledge of information technology

Creative thinking

Ability of interacting

Ability of doing group work, face to face or from distance

Ability of making high quality products

For achieving the above mentioned skills, information technology is a crucial matter because the information and communication technology put the responsibility of learning on the shoulder of Learner and also make the educational program easy and educational system changed to a network from vertical and learning got the shape of active formation of content.  The students have more responsibility about their learning.

Teacher and the information and communication technology

Teachers preparation is the major factor for entering the information and communication technology to schools. The majority of problems that teacher are faced with in this regard are philosophical and training and cultural problems. Superficial preparation of teachers in hardware and software is not necessary for fundamental changes in classrooms (qurchiyan, 2006) and with coming of information and communication technology to the class, the role of teacher not only is finished but also increases.  The teacher will be a guider and consular.  The teachers teach students the methods of gaining knowledge, ordering, credit making and organization.  Teachers change to everlasting learners and from a solitude class they enter to an international competition area.  Pre training education, during training education and midterm training education of the teachers must be basically changed according to the challenges in the recent century and the curriculum of this era must be prepared with the information and communication technology approach because information and communication technology helps teacher, s and the other worker, s skills in different dimensions

  • 1. Reconstruction of old skills

  • 2. Completing already blank capacity

  • 3. Creating new skills

  • 4. Making connection between teacher's skills

  • 5. Learning skills will become a continuous process (Soltany, 2002)

Curriculum and information and communication technology

Today's learners want to live in a century that their life be enriched and depend on the knowledge of world.  They need some skills that make them capable of doing this actively.  So the curriculum must pay attention to these problems

  • Making ability in students for editing and problem solving

  • Making ability in students for interaction and global growth

  • Making ability in students for working in shape of team or group and communication with the other people from different culture, global incorporation growth and Manual growth

  • 6. Ability of recognizing the matter that students need to learn and their learning have an output. (Jaryani, 2001)

Now this is a question should we look at communication and information technologies as a lesson or just a tool to facilitate learning?  The expert of educational science and technology believes the combination of these approaches means the technology called the standards and educational and standards must be combined together. The national and state toll curriculum must be taught in harmony since the technology calls the standards.  Another important: point is that development of information and communication technology affects on curriculum and has some stages as below: (William, 2002)

  • The first step is the understanding which students gain the knowledge of information and communication technology according to the use of technology

  • The second he uses information and communication technology tools in his usual homework and project

  • The third step is combining the information and communication technology tools with the lessons area

  • And the fourth step is the practical use of information and communication technology

Equipment's, sources and the information and communication technology

The environment that uses the information and communication technology needs some special resources and facilities.  Facilitates include the basic foundations such as wiring, electricity, computer, libraries, accessing to Internet, lighting, ventilation, place, room and so on.  So in this area we should pay attention to these necessities

  • More equipped classes with elementary and advance information foundation

  • More access to the software stations such as better tools for making the educational material

  • Creating New and flexible multimedia area for learning (Qasemi,2003)

Teaching, learning and information and communication technology

The new technology of learning can affect on education in some systematic constructive ways.  The traditional methods of teaching and learning emphasize on the passivity of learners.  The styles of learning among students are different: visual style, an action in which every student chooses a specific learning method.  Information and communication technology with its specific flexibility provide ability of applying cooperative methods, individual ways, picture and voice, simulation, visual trip, modeling, and visiting of museums. (www.ed.Gov/offices/As/final/Rport.2000)

A: information and communication technology application in teaching

  • with information and communication technology a teacher will have access to the source that he needs for teaching

  • Use of computer instead of blackboard in classroom: it means we can display the information in the computer by special tools on the big screens on the wall of class. One advantage of this way is that we can change the information faster than blackboard

  • Coherent learning system: one of the other aspects of information and communication technology application is in coherent learning system. Such a system is made of recipient part and reaction part for responding to the people and the management system. These systems record all the students responses and provide a complete report from developments of the students

  • Use of Internet in accomplishment of student's projects: by Internet the students will have access to their necessary sources for accomplishment of their projects and also the students are allowed to have connection with the other students and other countries for collecting information (Ebady, 2003)

B: information and communication technology applications in students' learning (Higgins and muijs, 1999)

  • Presenting information: information and communication technology causes students copy the information easily and have access to the information very faster

  • Doing the usual homework faster: like drawing graphs in mathematic teaching, if a student wants to draw a graph manually it takes in lots of time but with computer it is done easily

  • Achievement and application of information: achievement and application of information is one of the most important dimensions of information and communication technology application that can help the students learning. By some tools like Internet, CDs, encyclopedias in CD formats today students have access to more and rich information that was impossible before.

  • Modeling and control: modeling with the computer is one of the most effective applications of information and communication technology in the classroom. When the variables are under the investigation the relation between variables can be modularized by computer.

  • Inter corporation between computer and student: it means, in learning by computer between computer and a student there is a direct relation and computers act and go ahead according to the students learning. Another dimension of corporation means two people communicate and speak with each other by computer

  • Developing and bringing schools to the student's home: it means students learn the information in their home by Internet &Computer.

In a research which was done by a sore hasten Hollis and kimpton in the area of information and communication technology in modern classes of England about the role of technology in improvement of teaching and learning process has been noticed.  The results of this research mention the influence of technology in presenting new method of educating and motivation growth in students and self confidence and also improvement of social skills and group skills (Alison kington and Sohris, 2002).  In a research of three schools in Norway they came to this conclusion that using technology affect on the creative plans and cause improvement of learners' ability. China used communication technology in education in 1990.  After publicity of education from distance in some of Chinese universities educations from distant performed and in 1995 1000 schools were under the supervision of modern education technology and education networks increases. 


By the below educational technologies we can improve students' learning (Fatahiyan and Mahdavie Nur, 2006)

Text: (one of the most used tools in web and for presenting educational content) documents: (Charts for example excel Software, textbook and essay in PDF format, educational slide for instance Power POINT program) picture and voice: (using high speed current picture and vice) e-mail (for announcement of scores news and so on to learner) messenger and chat (when some of the class member are online synchronously they transfer information by this way) news agencies (research and discuss about the interested topics) and other technologies like boards, white boards, shared application programs, video conference, simulation and data station, so we can say improvement of the students' knowledge and information, improvement in problem solving of the students, facilitating group working and persuasion for active learning are the most important applications of information and communication technology in the process of learning and teaching.

Research and information and communication technology

One of the qualities of developed human is research spirit.  Creating such a spirit is impossible with formal classes but with performing information technology construction the staffs are equipped with it.  Information is the foundation and basic of a research when the information and communication technology present the information easily to staff, the staffs constructively go to researchers and improve spirit of research. (Saraf pur, 2002)

E research improves the research spirit in the students and teachers.  Changing the school libraries to the E libraries and visual libraries prepare the field for getting information from inside and outside countries.  Subscription of E magazine by the schools gives a suitable chance to students.  So information and communication technology can improve the spirit of research in teachers and students in below dimensions:

  • 1. The application of information in the students will improve

  • 2. The ability of choosing information will improve

  • 3. The students, teachers and managers get sensitivity toward information

  • 4. And group research forms (Soltani,2002)

The Fig. 2 shows the corporation between information technology and motivation of applying it in improving the search spirit

As it is shown in the table then the information and communication technology is weak and the motivation of using it is also low, the repetition of former TOPICS is high, and when the information technology is strong and available and application motivation is low research sprit forms because of information attack and when the motivation of using information is a high but information technology is weak the research spirit is sterilized.  In the normal case information technology and the strong motivation makes the research spirit in teachers and students applicable.  So for the teachers and students to do research there must be both field for using information and communication technology and also necessary motivation.  But in education as the information and communication technology and its motivation is weak, because the training and foundation are weak we, see the spirit of teachers is spirit of repetition old and former topics.  So we should prepare enough finance for placement of information and communication technology and by educational classes increase the motivation in students and teachers.

Management and information and communication technology

If we pay attention to the Simeon Herbert quotation that management is decision-making will understand the important role of information and communication technology management because the decision-making is a process that information has important role in it, it means in decision-making we should have the necessary information in order to combine and make a decision.  Information technology helps the organization manager to choose necessary information from produced information for its decision then process and use it.  Research shows that managers education for using communication technology to have effective management is crucial and achieving the skilled for application and new technology is helpful for manager and can have an effective role in manager decision-making (Thompson, 2002) .  According to this communication information technology improves the decision-making of manager in these dimensions:

  • Finding problem and chance finding which is the cornerstone of a strategic, faster and accurate decision making

  • Programming is better and more comprehensively done.

  • The quality of decisions increases

  • The time for decision-making minimizes

  • Managers error in organizational information Processing Network reduces

  • Rational decision-making happens

Environment and information and communication technology

The method of cooperation between students and teachers and the method of controlling the schools for learning and receiving information and communication technology is a part of learning philosophy and in another way the corporation of society include parents, families, foundations, industrial, governmental institutes, social organizations, regional, professional and so on.  And also we mustn't ignore the effect of international environment.  And another important point is that receipting receiving information and communication technology culture in society effects on the culture and atmosphere of the school and finally the environment of the school.  Philosophies basically recognized the way of combining information and communication technology to a school.

Output and information and communication technology

Capabilities, content and skills are three different elementary knowledge for information technology that each of these three represents a different dimension that means any action that needs information technology necessarily needs one kind of this knowledge.  Learning content and the skills of information technology and creating related thought capability without systematic view is impossible.  If we look at a problem with a systematic view we understand that in information and communication technology with combining content and capability skills with each other and making the efficient understanding from information technology, the students and citizens are enabled to use the information technology for their personal problem solving and information technology knowledge uses itself in new areas. This combination is a basic element of the students learning in long-term which finally leads to a creation of knowledge and the creative students and its main result is stopping brain drain.

Feedback and information and communication technology

Many systems have become self run or self regulator.  They regulate and adapt themselves in such a way that be able to produce a special output (Alaqemand, 2003).  Information and communication technology effect on evaluation that has enabled teacher to report the students information and communication technology knowledge and their ability to apply information and communication technology.  The students are responsible for their evaluations to edit their own learning styles, the styles that they are interested in.  Evaluation for students and teacher has a special harmony and a general view of the students is represented in the curriculum. The students maintain their and their background on the network and edit their preferable curriculum and policy in school.  Evaluation of the students and a staffs shows the learning management of school. ( Saeed abadi,2003)

With regard to the importance of self evaluation and self assessment information and communication technology can help improvement in these dimensions:

  • 1. It provides faster access to information

  • 2. It provides faster information feedback

  • 3. Expression and changing knowledge is done easily

  • 4. The rate of the standard deviation is recognized

  • 5. students and teachers find out their weak points.

  • 6. Students and teacher manage their Achilles' heel properly

In this view entering information and communication technology to education if it is followed by a accurate control and assessment, has as its special output job making and creative students.


Information and communication technology includes management network of production, processing, contribution and efficient consumption of information in order to increase system efficiency which in most of educational opportunity it is recognized as an improvement element.  If we pay attention to the information and communication technology by systematic view this point is clearly recognized that information and communication technology in all part of education such as input, processing, and the output have had an effective and positive influence meanwhile with paying attention to the effect of information and communication technology in every aspect of the whole educational system for  solving the problems that is related to the expansion of  information and communication technology in education, we need to pass a general role as an strategic, corporation and  harmony between organization and ministries, helps of private sections, training experts, finance support and expansion of telecommunication network that  finally leads to equal educational opportunity in all levels, education quality, efficiency and the effectiveness of educational system, prevention of brain drain and training job making people.

Japan curriculum and educational research program console in response to central education console to vote information and communication technology in July 1998 announced the central orientation of reform curriculum.  Some of the most important orientations are said here: (Sarkarai, 2003)

  • 1. Using Information and communication technology in learning and teaching processes

  • 2. Emphasizing the skull of using knowledge and information and passing the transmission of information and how learning is done

  • 3. Putting technological courses in educational programs and in different topics in order to use computer in such a matters like information technology of economics and family

  • 4. Using capability of Internet global network in learning and teaching processes

  • 5. preparing security for students in Internet global network

  • 6. Using of compulsory units about information and communication technology in high schools

  • 7. Professional efficiency of teachers with expansion of information and communication technology

In December 1998 the Japanese government's established a visual institute. The institute was for survey and development of information and communication technology in education system, government, production and service projects.  Education ministry report and information was the helpful tool for increasing quality of sources in 19990This information and report show that the Japanese have gained the first place in development of technology in post industrial age, improvement of living quality, and increasing ability based on information and communication technology (Manbushu, 2000).  In this part we offer some suggestions according to the valuable experience of other countries in using information and communication technology in education:

A: virtual school

Virtual school is educational unit that represents education to the learner via computer and Internet lines which is nearly like education from distance (Talay,2002).  In these schools different courses are presented to the learner by the Internet.  The students of these schools are from all over the world and they can interact knowledge with each other in this system. There is no need of physical teacher except those lessons that are done by teleconference that you need to be at the computer in a special time. The other lesson is presented according to the request of the student in these methods for all the factors such as manager, teacher, the students, registration, course selection election, valuation, communication with teacher and classmates and digital library has a special definition

B: smart school: it is said to a school that has both face to face and the education from the distance feature.  In these schools after participation of the students in classroom the students continue their activities in class with working on virtual library, websites and the information banks and edit creating research group, do the class projects are The most important of all is that parents take apart in their learning activities. (Http://www,

C: learning management system

This system is for assessment of learners in education and such duties like units election, registration, gathering information in learner education progress, examination and evaluation system is done by this system.

D: learning content management system

This system does the management of content and the curriculum which is going to be transferred to learner.  And by this system we can modify the program and learner can request the desired content that is presented in systems.

So, in order for the above goals to become a reality we have to pay attention to the below suggestions

  • 1. Effort and corporation between organization and different ministries(education ministry, science ministry, information and communication technology ministry, the superior revolution console, management and planning in order to accomplish the strategic goals in information and communication technology

  • 2. codification of policy and general rules of information and communication technology and modification of rules.

  • 3. Giving more finance and budget to the country education

  • 4. Changing the structure of education from central to non central

  • 5. Encouragement and participation of private section in settlement of information and communication technology in education

  • 6. Training of managers, teachers, guiders and educational group in relation with content, skills and application of information and communication technology

  • 7. The educational programmers must use information and communication technology at high priority

  • 8. Emphasizing, information and communication technology as a base in all midterm education training of staffs

  • 9. Making information and communication technology in all education department

  • 10. Widespread use of scientific sources especially those research that has been done in or out of country by information and communication technology approach

  • 11. Improving the parents knowledge about information and communication technology

  • 12. Supporting university in the areas that is related to information and communication technology in education specially in preparing suitable content and software

  • 13. The expansion of telecommunication network in country and financial and non financial support of educational software makers.

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