Deprecated: mysql_escape_string(): This function is deprecated; use mysql_real_escape_string() instead. in /home3/drhashemi/public_html/engine/classes/mysqli.class.php on line 151  Features of the Finnish educational system in the era of globalization curriculum » وب سایت دکتر سید احمد هاشمی در شیوه های نوین آموزش
هدیه معنوی این مجموعه را به روح پاک مادر و پدر بزرگوارم تقدیم می کنم و از همه خوانندگان محترم برای ایشان التماس دعا دارم
موضوع: مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات خارجي ISI    نويسنده: administrator    تاريخ: 10 ارديبهشت 1397    بازديدها: 488
Features of the Finnish educational system in the era of globalization curriculum

Seyed Ahmad Hashemi1, Masoomeh Ahmadi Pour2 *

1-Associate Professor of Educational Sciences, Lamerd unit, Islamic Azad University. Lamerd. Iran
2-Ph.D. student of curriculum planning, Lecturer and employee of the University of Cultural Sciences in Bushehr Province. Iran

If globalization is considered to be a process in which consciousness plays a key role, then revisiting globalization and designing curricula to raise awareness of learners will be important. The importance of globalization and the spread of ICTs around the world, especially in knowledgeable communities, is a longing for great development and access to the opportunities for learning of global exchanges and easier access for the peoples of different societies in the light of scientific and technological progress, challenges the concept of geographical boundaries and restricting to a certain place. The present paper in long with examining this concept in the literature of the Finnish curriculum, to using the library method and through study research papers and reviewing foreign and domestic journals and magazines in various databases to conceptualize the different meanings of the term and introduce, among the curriculum of the world educational system, the most successful and succulent world's educational system which is Finland; because the educational curriculum structure in this country has features that distinguish it from other educational programs in other countries. These features include pre-school education programs, basic education, secondary education, and how teachers select in the world of globalization that is referenced in this article. It should also be noted that according to the culture, context and texts of each society, the approaches and programs of the country's educational system are considered.

Keywords: Finnish education system, curriculum, globalization


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