Investigating the quality of the teaching process, teachers in elementary schools of Lamerd from the Perspective of managers
Seyed Ahmad Hashemi and Ameneh Bostan
1. Department of education, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
2. M.A, Student educational research, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Lamerd, Iran.
Abstract: The present study aimed to check the quality of the teaching process, teachers in elementary schools was conducted from the perspective of Lamerd County managers. Research in terms of the purpose of the application and the manner of work is descriptive-run. Society of statistics include 100 managers of Lamerd County elementary schools, which is due to the limitation of the statistical society, the Census sampling methods were used. The data collected in this study, a researcher at the Likert range is five option validity it confirmed its reliability and professionals using Cronbach's alpha ./82 Was alculated. The analysis of the data as well as using the methods of descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, median, and mode), and the method of inferential statistics (multivariate variance analysis) was performed. The results of the research in General from the perspective of the teaching quality of teachers; administrators indicated in all components of the favorable situation is
reviewed. Also, the results showed that the three variables fitted component; the quality of teaching includes classroom management of ING, the dynamics of learning measurement and evaluation of significant differences in the two separately, as well as groups of men and women, have created. Variable technology selection is also on two levels below 5 years of age and over 20 years as well as assessment and evaluation in the following variable 5 years and 5 to 10 have significant differences.
Keywords: teaching, the quality of teaching, the administrators, teachers, elementary.