Deprecated: mysql_escape_string(): This function is deprecated; use mysql_real_escape_string() instead. in /home3/drhashemi/public_html/engine/classes/mysqli.class.php on line 151  ...Investigating the relationship between organizational climate » وب سایت دکتر سید احمد هاشمی در شیوه های نوین آموزش
هدیه معنوی این مجموعه را به روح پاک مادر و پدر بزرگوارم تقدیم می کنم و از همه خوانندگان محترم برای ایشان التماس دعا دارم
موضوع: مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات خارجي ISI    نويسنده: administrator    تاريخ: 23 آبان 1393    بازديدها: 1126
Investigating the relationship between organizational climate and organizational commitment and organizational effectiveness among school managers: A case study in Fars province in Iran

Seyed Ahmad Hashemi

Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran

The present study aims to investigate the relation ship between organizational climate and organizational commitment and organizational effectiveness of the managers of the secondary schools in Fars. The research method is descriptive of correlational type and the statistical community consists of managers working in secondary school in the year 2012-2013 (1500 people). The sample size is 306 people based on Morgan tables. The managers were chosen randomly from a number of schools in Fars. Data collection tools were three questionnaires on Halbyn and Craft organizational climate (1963), Porter et al organizational commitment (1974), Fayol, Freedman, and Lailz (2001 were used which their reliability coefficient is 0.81 0.81, and 0.88, respectively. For data analysis, inferential statistic methods were used (Pearson correlation and multiple regression) using SPSS 19. The results othe study show that there is a significant relationship between organizational climate and commitment and effectiveness and also between support components cooperative and friendly and organizational commitment and also between instructional components and effectiveness. Moreover, threatening and collaborative dimensions have more ability to predict organizational commitment and supportive, instructional, and threatening dimensions have more ability in predicting the effectiveness.

Keywords: Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment, Effectiveness, School Managers


براي ارسال نظر، بايد در سايت عضو شويد.

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