Deprecated: mysql_escape_string(): This function is deprecated; use mysql_real_escape_string() instead. in /home3/drhashemi/public_html/engine/classes/mysqli.class.php on line 151  ...Feasibility Study of the Use of Information and Communication » وب سایت دکتر سید احمد هاشمی در شیوه های نوین آموزش
هدیه معنوی این مجموعه را به روح پاک مادر و پدر بزرگوارم تقدیم می کنم و از همه خوانندگان محترم برای ایشان التماس دعا دارم
موضوع: مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات خارجي ISI    نويسنده: administrator    تاريخ: 23 آبان 1393    بازديدها: 1214
Feasibility Study of the Use of Information and Communication Technology in Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Iran; City Lamerd

Dr. Seyed Ahmad Hashemi , Ali AliMoradpour

Department of education, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran

M.A, Student Education and Human Resources Development, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Lamerd, Iran.

The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of the use of information
and communication technology in secondary schools Lamerd city in the 2013-
2014 school year. But Ray descriptive survey research method study population
included all administrators, principals and teachers in secondary schools, both
girls and boys Lamerd city with 369 people, the sample size of 191 patients was
determined according to Morgan the sample was selected using simple random
sampling. Data collection tool was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using
binomial tests. The results showed that the use of information and
communication technology in high school education Lamerd city in terms of
infrastructure, hardware, software, human resources specializing laws and
regulations and collateralizing finance and support for does not exist.

b]Keywords[/b]: feasibility, ICT, school, secondary school.]



With the growth of globalization and the increasing development of information
technology and communications, all aspects of human life are faced with rapid
changes. Education is also strongly influenced by these developments as an
educational institution is located (Hashemi, 2013).
Initial efforts to develop information technology in education systems have been
conducted in the twentieth century (Nickel, 2005). New technologies including
communication equipment, computers, internet, software, etc., information and
communication technology is named and because of his ability to interchange,
processing, storage, high-speed data to human life has changed miraculously
and methods of education, business and the economy has changed and has
introduced new concepts (Pelgram and Anderson, 2002) The outcome of this
effort is the development of approaches to distance education, correspondence
education was. All school systems are faced with a new information technology
that has deepened its capabilities in the past. Development of new information
technologies has the potential to reshape how they are learning in the
universities and colleges (Poehlen, 2000). The most successful approach in the
context of the integrated approach means that new technologies in the
classroom and should be used in conjunction with other training methods. With
this new approach to traditional assumptions about the relationship between
space and time apart was learning (Hashemi, 2013).
Hashemi, (2011) believes that the development of information and
communication technologies in various fields, especially education and learn
the importance of using new methods and practices in this area will require and
conventional conceptions of the learning process challenging. The result of
these innovations needs to redesign education programs to schools, traditional
web-based learning requires. In this context, what is evident is the need to
identify the challenges facing the development of information technology that is
critical programs and measures to be adopted. On this basis, and considering
the impact of ICT on education; Looking for a feasibility study into the use of
ICT in education is Lamerd city. Research has been done in this area including:
Taghvai and Akbari (2010) in a study entitled "Application of ICT in education
and Research University” showed that the respondents' use of information
technology in different educational levels and most of the faculty are using
technology. Afzal Khani et al (2010) in a research entitled "Feasibility Study for
the establishment of virtual education in secondary schools in Semnan
province" began. The results showed that the establishment of virtual education
in secondary school education in Semnan province in terms of infrastructure
hardware, there is.
In terms of infrastructure software at moderate to high and the electronic
content and virtual courses and specialized staff and the culture there is
moderate possibility of learning in terms of financial resources and support
needed there. Salehi et al (2011) in their study that examines the feasibility of
developing new technologies of information and communication technology
education approaches in primary schools began. The results showed the status
of computer facilities for school administration is desirable. Information and
communication technology skills of teachers are not in good condition, but the
interest and high motivation for using technology in education are higher.
Hosseini (2011) in a study entitled "Feasibility of e-learning in vocational
centers in Kurdistan province of administrators and teachers' pay. The results of
these tests showed significant differences between the vocational and technical
centers and vocational centers also possible to use traditional and new fixtures
there. Skills of students and educators in the use of traditional means of learning
are more about the new electronic devices.
These centers need to be able to receive funding higher All workshops are fully
electronic. Centers, as well as the equipment needed to deliver e-learning was at
a low level. Cocos and Preston 1 (2000), in a study entitled "Evaluation of the
motivation of teachers to use ICT in 2000 did" they concluded that ICT
increases motivation, interest, confidence, and independence of mind to teachers
and students generally, teachers have a positive attitude to the use of computers
in education and it is considered effective in improving the presentation. Oliver
2 (2002), in their survey entitled "Factors Affecting started learning computers
by teachers' association found that teachers in using ICT for teaching computer
courses trained the teachers to use ICT for teaching computer courses have seen
a significant difference there. The result shows that factors other than
knowledge and technical skills involved in successful teachers in integrating
technology. Research entitled "Application of ICT and the Internet among
faculty members at public universities in Jordan by Aldokhan 3 (2007) was
done." The aim of this study is the use of ICT and the Internet with respect to
variables and the use of these tools in teaching and scholarly activities. The
results showed that significant differences in the use of ICT and the Internet are
based on academic rank. However, no significant differences in the use of ICT
and the Internet on the basis of sex are men's faculty of ICT and the Internet

Research Questions

1. there it is possible to use information and communication technology in
secondary schools in terms of hardware Lamerd city?
2. there it is possible to use information and communication technologies in
software Lamerd city schools?
3. there it is possible to use information and communication technologies in
terms of human resources specializing in city schools Lamerd?
4. there it is possible to use information and communication technologies in
terms of rules and regulations in city schools Lamerd?
5. there it is possible to use information and communication technologies in
terms of financial resources and support in secondary schools Lamerd
6. there it is possible to use information and communication technology in
high school culture Lamerd city?

Materials and Methods

The research method was descriptive-survey. The study included all managers
and assistants and teachers (male and female) Lamerd city schools have been
involved in academic year 2013-2014.
The total number of managers and assistants and teachers working in these
schools was 369 students.
Using Morgan's sample consisted of 191 patients, respectively, and was selected
by simple random sampling. Data from the questionnaire consisted of 34
questions were used 6, Question 1 of 6 questions related to hardware
infrastructure, Question 2 of 6 questions related to infrastructure software,
questions related to 5 q3 human expert, question 4, 5 questions on etiquette,
question 6 is related to culture. Reliability coefficient using Cronbach 0.939
obtained. To analyze the data, binomial test was used.

Question 1: there it is possible to use information and communication technology in
secondary schools in terms of hardware Lamerd city?
The results of Table 1 shows that 145 of the 75.99% of the sample allows the
use of information technology and communications hardware level is too low
and the low and intermediate and 46, the 23.96 percent have evaluated high and
very high. They may therefore be determined by the use of information and
communication technology in secondary schools in the city Lamerd hardware
does not exist.
Question 2: there it is possible to use information and communication technologies in
software Lamerd city schools?
The results of Table 2 shows that 144 of the 75.4% of the sample allows the use
of information technology and communications the software level is too low
and the low and intermediate and 47, the 24.3percent have evaluated high and
very high. They may therefore be determined by the use of information and
communication technology in secondary schools in the city Lamerd software
does not exist.
Question 3: there it is possible to use information and communication technologies in terms
of human resources specializing in city schools Lamerd?
The results of Table 3 shows that 140 of the 73.3% of the sample allows the use
of information technology and communication in terms of human resources and
expertise to very low, low, 55 with the 34.6% moderate and 51 with the 26.5
percent have evaluated high and very high. They may therefore be determined
by the use of information and communication technologies in terms of human
resources specializing in Lamerd city high schools in do not exist.
Question 4: there it is possible to use information and communication technologies in terms
of rules and regulations in the city schools Lamerd?
The results of Table 4 shows that 154 of the 80.44% of the sample allows the
use of information technology and communication in terms of human resources
and expertise to very low, low, 55 with the 38/36% moderate and 37 with the
21.04 percent have evaluated high and very high. They may therefore be
determined by the use of information and communication technologies in terms
of rules and regulations in Lamerd city high schools in do not exist.
Question 5: there it is possible to use information and communication technologies in terms
of financial resources and support in secondary schools Lamerd city?
The results of Table 5 shows that 172 out of the 89.96% of the sample allows
the use of information technology and communication in terms of funding and
support for very low, low, 39 out of the 20.25% moderate and 19 with the 10.03
percent have evaluated high and very high. They may therefore be determined
by the use of information and communication technologies in terms of financial
resources and support in secondary schools city Lamerd are absent.

Question 6: there it is possible to use information and communication technology in high
school culture Lamerd city?

The results of Table 6 shows that 84 of the 23.35% of the sample allows the use
of information and communication technologies in culture to very low and low
34.21, 65% of the average and 22 in the high and very high 11.5 percent have
evaluated. They may therefore be determined by the use of information and
communication technology in high school culture Lamerd city does not exist.

Discussion and conclusions
The development of information technology has caused a fundamental change
in human societies in different areas of human life. Any kind of change in
various fields, including the field of education, consequences follows suit their
purpose and function. Application and development of information technology
is no exception. The most serious challenge to foster information technology in
educational systems is guidance, educational changes during the transition from
traditionalism to modernism in science education. Had to deal with change, you

must change the opportunities and threats that we know and have identified
barriers to change and seek to remove barriers to solve and the strategy for
achieving the objective of which is the educational system, personal and social
development is our choice.

Feasibility study aimed at using ICT in schools was Lamerd city. The results
showed that the ability of using information and communication technology in
high school education Lamerd city in terms of infrastructure, hardware
software, human resource specialists, rules and regulations, funding and
support, and the culture. The results of the sort the results by Afzal Khani et al
(2010), akbar and Taghvai (2010), Salehi and colleagues (2011), Cocos and
Preston (2000), Oliver (2002) and Aldvkhan (2007) had similar.

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