Deliberation on the importance and necessity of being learner Fars higher education (obstacles and methods)
1. D.r Seyed Ahmad Hashemi
PhD, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
2. Ghodratollah Mohammadi
PhD, Student, Shiraz University, Iran.
3. Abolfazl Abbasi
M.A Student Educational Management, shiraz university, and Employee Education, Larestan. Iran
The organizations specially higher education with traditional structure don’t have ability to adjust to alternation that are created by science growth, science globalization and its complicating. These organizations have to notice learning process at organization to survive. They have to select being learner as partial of their features, so they should use experiences and create occasions to work responsibility. These organizations should change the philosophical of self-existential as well and create higher capacity in organizations membership. The survival, growth and achievement of higher education relate to wide awareness of learner organization components. In higher education institute, learning is the most important element that causes their durability. Makoart introduces learner organization feature in this form: active learning, organizational change, empowerment, management knowledge and technology application. Present research based on necessity of being learner higher education investigates the necessity of learner university at Fars shire higher education using the approach of analytical-descriptive. Present research investigates the obstacles of create learner university at Fars shire and expresses the development methods of learner university creation at Fars shire public and private university.
The alternations and challenges of environmental, in the late of last century and the early of present century, changed commercial and industrial organizations and caused universities experiment continuous and original alternations (Alvani 1996, page327). Patterson (1999) expresses that university needs to modern learning to obtain desirable situation, in these condition. Universities are learning center. They create and obtain knowledge then transfer its, so university should change to environments that can obtain modern learning. Learner organizations increase their ability in different bases and the managers of employee learn the modern methods of job and meditation. Environmental alternation compel organization to find the best methods and obtain the benefit of competitive and stableness with the emphasis on continual learning in order to reconcile with environment (Sobhani nezhad ,2007). The organization specially higher education with traditional structure don’t have ability to adjust to alternation that are created by science growth, science globalization and its complicating. These organizations have to notice learning process at organization to survive. They have to select being learner as partial of their features. In learner organization each person encourages to collect data and all of the employee should be aware of a knowledge that may be useful for organization. The knowledge can obtain via formal channels such as conference, internet, newspaper, magazine and books and via informal channels such as social accumulations, museum, movies. Worthy learning always remain in people intellect and participative learning. Learner organizations know methods to obtain this knowledge via positive and negative reinforcement at different university and they know methods to manage it and to coordinate efforts (Zali , 2007, page225-229).
Somerol and mac canel express 7 main feature for learner organization: continual learning, conversation and search, group learning, empowerment, systematic communication, leadership structure, knowledge performance, financial performance (Somerol and mac canel,2004). Planning to change higher education centers specially Islamic Azad University to centers that have learner organizations role and can obtain modern learning is the most important subject here. Present research using the approach of analytical-descriptive investigates the necessity of learned university at Fars shire. Present research indicates obstacles and introduce methods.
The purport and application of learner organization:
The organization that don’t develop self learning -it is common at work environment- combat change. Organizations show reaction by forgetting and relearning new and old methods. Learning increases change rate and it is a way to dominate change and movement change, so the change alters to continual learning process and the change don’t start learning process. The organizations obtain and protect self competitive benefit by accept the responsibility of change process. Learning is a process to obtain and apply information and new skills. Learning is fundamental element in development innovation at organizations. Many organizations apply this ability unsuccessfully and they alter learning to results such as product and innovation services. In fact, many methods work against learning at organizations environment, so measurement productivity and efficacy in result of diminish, again engineering and structure anabiosis disorient organizations correctly. Diminish and again engineering and structure anabiosis cause employee notice special things. There aren’t long time to meditate or solve this subject (Tarazo, 2009).
The necessity of high education being learner:
The importance of learning organization is clear at present world Sange (1990) says: being learner is the greatest competitive benefit, but this subject has more importance in knowledge oriented organizations, so the appraisal of strong and weak points in organization learning is the suitable appraisal of organization. The subject of organizational learning is more important at research organization than another organizations. The people of organization need to increase knowledge, so many components of learner organizations such as systematic meditation, the perception of intellect models, continual learning, group learning and knowledge generation are necessary for these organizations. The managers and leaderships of organization need to plan for increasing learner level at organization. This planning is similar to improvement and development planning at organizations. Organizations based on the measurement of the creation of the feature of learned organization can plan to move present situation toward desirable situation, so they need to suitable instrument to measure the feature of learner organization (Paterson, 1999). The people of learner organization are involved in recognition and solution problems, so they can learn new experiment and can improve problems and increase self-abilities (Sange1388). The people of learner organization are improving self-abilities. The modern patterns of thinking grow and group wishes and appetites prove at learner organization (Rezaian1387). In Garvin,s opinion, learner organization is the organization that have skill in creation, obtaining, knowledge transformation and the modification of people behaviors to reflex new knowledge and insight (Garvin, 2004). Definition Markorat is general, he defines learner organization in this form: learner organization is organization that has high organizational learning and learning is group work and learner organization change itself to collect information and to manage and use them based on success organizational (Pour hosseini,2008).
The systematic specification of learner organization:
Systematic learner organization has remarkable ability to creates success organizational. In following, dimensions and specification this organization express. In Makarat,s opinion, learning accrues by organization system that act the same as a brain. Organization membership recognize the importance of the present and future success of continual learning that occur in the organization. Learning is continual process that is in accordance with job and carry out its parallelism. At learning organization concentration on creativity and learning is active. The professional main merits are reference point to products and modern services. Systematic meditation is organization base and Flexibility is worthy (Zali translate1385). The organization with this processes answer the environment of variant with continual adaptation, modernism and self-renewal. Learner organization is organization that individual and group learning organization encourage and receive reward. The organization that join variant subsystems of the model systematic of learner organization has high abilities:
-Predict and more quick adaptation with environmental actions
-Acceleration productions development, modern services and processes
-Professionalize via competitors and participant
- Acceleration knowledge transformation from one part to another organization part
-Reducing time for doing strategic modifications
-Encouraging continual development
-Attraction the best employee
-Increasing the commitment and creativity of employee
There are several reasons to select communication and information technology in learning process for professors university such as the reinforcement and development of learning process, increasing flexibility in job activities according to omit time and place limitation, answering to needs acquires for educational activities with electronic method, continual interaction with students and preparing new environments for creativity at educational activities.
The development methods of Learner University at the high education of Fars shire:
The empowerment of organization people to create Learner University:
Empowerment has public and special purport and several explanation. These approaches and descriptions cause integrated purport deal with difficult, so in empowerment description, use factors such as internal motivation, perceived and commitment, job structure, ability or election transfer and sharing references and information (Robins, 2002). In fact empowerment is continual and permanent process. Empowerment analyze in active environment at different levels. Empowerment mention in some subject such as motivation or psychology, structure modification, cultural-historical factors, present values and attitudes at organization. The employee empowerment is the collection of systems, methods and procedures that use based on the development merit of people to improve and to increase the productivity and growth of organization and human resource according to organization goals. The employee empowerment can provide the base of effectiveness and efficacy and finally productivity organizational.
Employee education in order to create Learner University:
Organizations that have positive attitude about education know that there are lake of skill in world. These organizations know that education expenses is justifiable due to palpability and impalpable profit. These profits increase the productivity of employee and organization.
Interaction between the general values of organization and the personal values of employee:
Organization deal with create interaction between the general goals of organization (difficult values) and the personal values of employee (soft values). A manager need to creativity employee to fulfill approaches. In fact, the way of carry out things is participant culture. A positive and efficient culture can provide the concrete realization of approaches and this subject is important to reach general and personal goals. The recognition of organization values and needs, the goal of organizational people and create interaction between them make behaviors based on learning.
Decision and group participant process:
The manager who apply regular and logical method will probably reach the better answer. Decision process includes activities that do in 4 steps: 1) Definition and recognition problem
2) Solution ways or action methods
3) Appraisal and selection decision
4) Doing decision
Difficult steps to decide should control and guide. Decision and participant increase the quality of organization processes and make efficacy and effectiveness.
The skill of the attitude accordance of process oriented and result oriented at organization:
If process oriented attitude notice process intellectually, will accepted, but if emphasizes processes extremely, won,t produce quality. Process oriented attitude works based on meditative and job process, but has less desirable result. Result oriented attitude don’t notice meditative and job and notice to quality result. We know that result don’t produce or form without process. According to discussion above, It,s logical that process oriented attitude and result oriented attitude join together based on suitable criterion. Attitudes accordance don’t create automatically. Organizational humans can create its with education and development, so organization employee should have this skill.
The approach value engineering at job and organizational process:
One of the effectiveness and efficacy indexes of job and organizational processes is the ability of obtaining value engineering from processes. Value engineering as an affective technique has importance to reach goals project with minimum expenses and protection quality. Value engineering is group and organized effort to analyze systems performance, equipment and services. This effort carried out to obtain actual performance with minimum expenses in project period.
The improvement of human resource motivation:
Motivation is psychology purport that influence on people. Motivation theories have adjustment with bases such as learning, personality, employee behavior and employee satisfaction. In present situation, motivation the same a source management use to form behavior. Motivation theory expresses based on the prediction and perception of human behavior logic. The theoretical aspect of motivation emphasize active interference to change development and complete desirable behavior answers. Management use motivation theory to increase the quality and quantity of employee and their job satisfaction.
The organization specially higher education with traditional structure don’t have ability to adjust to alternation that are created by science growth, science globalization and its complicating. These organization have to notice learning process at organization to survive. They have to select being a learner as partial of their feature, so they should use experiences and create occasions to work responsibility. These organizations should change the philosophical of self-existential as well and create higher capacity in organizations membership. The organization that don’t develop self learning -it is common at work environment- combat change. Organizations show reaction with forgetting and relearning new and old methods. Learning increases change rate and it is a way to dominate change and movement change, so the change alter to process learning continual and the change don’t start learning process. The organizations obtain and protect self competitive benefit by accept the responsibility of change process. Learning is a process to obtain and apply information and new skills. Learning is fundamental element in innovation development at organizations. The development obstacles of Learner University are management, cultural, social and economic obstacles that we should notice necessary methods such as employee education, employee motivation, engineering based on value at university.