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هدیه معنوی این مجموعه را به روح پاک مادر و پدر بزرگوارم تقدیم می کنم و از همه خوانندگان محترم برای ایشان التماس دعا دارم
موضوع: مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات خارجي ISI    نويسنده: administrator    تاريخ: 13 مرداد 1393    بازديدها: 1428
Investigation of the development obstacles of the informational literacy of faculty members in region1 Universities, Iran

1. Eisa Amiri,
department of Education, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd Branch, Iran.

2. D.r Seyed Ahmad Hashemi
PhD, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd Branch, , Iran

3. Abolfazl Abbasi
M.A Student Educational Management, shiraz university, and Employee Education, Larestan. Iran

Present research investigates the development obstacles of the informational literacy of faculty member in Islamic Azad Universities, and presents the proposed methods to improve this skill. Present research appraises the obstacles of technological, economic, cultural, structural and human in university environments. Present research is survey-descriptive and Statistical society consists of 2131 faculty members of region1 Islamic Azad Universities in 2011-2012. The sample equals 325 professors based on Morgan’s table. We selected them using cluster random sampling, so we selected several universities and appraised their professors. The data collected by a questionnaire that is made by researcher based on likers spectrum. This questionnaire used after determination of its validity by specialists and its stability conformed using 0.941 kronbakh Alpha coefficient. The analysis of data carried out using descriptive statistics methods (frequency, the percent of frequency, mean and standard deviation) and SPSS software. The results of research show that economic and technological obstacles are the most important obstacles of the informational literacy of faculty members.
Keywords: informational literacy, faculty member, region1 Islamic Azad Universities, information and communication technology

The effect of technology on society formation started when human was applying instruments. The value of stone instruments reduced due to the new resources of food, increasing population, spreading territory and factories that changed the social structure of initial humans, life, and new technology affected society and the method of humans, life (Richard,2004). The purport of informational literacy has changed during the different period of humans, life continuously. This process includes the simplest literacy state. The simplest literacy state is necessary skills each person based on his (or her) role at society such as reading, writing and self-language comprehension (Bawden,2001). Informational literacy have different definition in many resource for example:
a) Selection suitable informational behavior to obtain necessary information from methods or media with necessary awareness about the importance of correct use of information (veber and Jansen, 2002).
b) The ability of availability, appraisal and use of information using different resource (estive, 2003)
c) The ability of availability, appraisal and use of information in each shape and frame such as electronic and printed.

Obtaining informational literacy isn’t limited to special time and is based on lifelong learning (Parirokh, 2008).
Lum (2006) expresses that a majority of faculty members of Duke University present useful programs about information and communication technology. According to Lum,s investigation, faculty members use instruments that not only record speeches but also encourage students to read and edit recorded speeches (yang, 2008). Many faculty members introduce the benefit of internet, so use of internet should increase in speeches. Yang expresses that present online speeches are popular. According to Ranson, Graham and Mott,s research (2007), members use information and communication technology for different goals such as educational goals, learning, efficacy, productivity, profitability, obtaining better life in society and communication. Hankel and Han (2004), faculty members of Germany Almena engineering University, express that multimedia applications are useful methods to educate and learn. They use multimedia instruments and software to design and pattern at engineering designing class (page87). The results of Garcia’s research (2004) at Texas University with subject "investigation of the amount of use of internet by faculty members" show that the younger faculty members use more than old faculty members. Also some professors don’t use information technology because they believe that traditional methods of education have better efficacy and they don’t want to expend their time for learning.
In present research observe negative and meaningful correlation between the obstacles of use of internet and the amount of use of this technology by faculty members. The main obstacles are faculty member resistance to new changes, low attention to the needs of educational in new technology development, shortage of culture to use new technology at universities and the traditional belief of faculty member. Pelogram (2001), technology researcher, in his research with subject "investigation of ICT application at Turkey schools", 18 schools investigated. His research results show that there are many obstacles to apply information technology such as shortage of computer, accessories, software issues and technical support, lake of technical help, suitable program, skills, local channels, supervisor, and the weak infrastructure of teleconferencing.
Anderson (2006), in his research investigated the amount of use of internet by students and the faculty members of China Universities and show that use of internet improve educational experience and increase scientific creativity. He introduce 3 obstacles to develop this technology that they are: shortage of budget, shortage of facilities and lake of planning.
Okijie (2006), express that success in using information and communication technology at classes depending on the empowerment of teachers to find the relationship between education and information and communication technology, use of new instruments relevant to subject, learning and selection the best methods of structure, feedback, appraisal and assessment methods and follow the activities up. Wide attitude to use information and communication technology causes teachers use information and communication technology in education programs successfully. Rother (2005), in America understood that a few teachers depended on technology to do their things and they regulated their technology with education program daily. Koban (2001), explained this subject as well. Beggz (2000) expresses that shortage of time and education are the most important obstacles of the application of information and communication technology at higher education. Beker (2007), and koban (2001), understood that one of the main problems of information and communication technology in teaching is lake of correct perception of university faculty members about the better application of instruments. Other researches, determined other obstacles of the application of information and communication technology in education. Williams (2007; 167) understood that lesson content, shortage of support can be the obstacles of the application of information and communication technology. He expresses "cultural suitable support causes university faculty members and the supporters of modern technology discussed about software and hardware fields and provide positive and satisfactory results". Koban (2001) expressed that shortage of time and support of technology are main obstacles at university. Nicolle (2005), understood that the motivation and appetite of university faculty members toward information and communication technology and its changes have great role in the application of information and communication technology.
According to explanation above, the importance of information literacy development investigates in present research to present proposed methods to develop and improve the information literacy of faculty members in region1 Islamic Azad Universities. Present research wants to answer these research questions:
1) What are the economic obstacles of the information literacy development of faculty members in region1 Islamic Azad Universities?
2) What are the structural obstacles of the information literacy development of faculty members in region1 Islamic Azad Universities?
3) What are the cultural obstacles of the information literacy development of faculty members in region1 Islamic Azad Universities?
4) What are the human obstacles of the information literacy development of faculty members in region1 Islamic Azad Universities?

Research method:
Present research is survey-descriptive in type of goal, application and the method of data collection. Statistical society consists of 2131 faculty members of region1 Islamic Azad Universities in 2011-2012. The sample equals 325 professors based on Margon,s table that provides using cluster random sampling. We used a questionnaire with 2 part that is made by researcher to collect data. First part relevant to public information including gender, educational group, scientific rank, having experience teaching and certificate, second part relevant to specialized information including 5 subset of 10 dialects that investigate the effect of obstacles (economic, structural, cultural, human). This questionnaire used after the determination of its validity by specialists and its stability conformed using 0.834 Cronbakh Alpha coefficient and SPSS software. After providing questionnaire and collecting data, we use descriptive Statistics methods (frequency, the percent of frequency, mean and standard deviation) to analyze data.

Question 1: what are the economic obstacles of the information literacy development of faculty member in region1 Islamic Azad Universities?
According to table1 results, the economic obstacles components of the information literacy development of faculty member are greater than 3, in faculty members opinion. Low budget to develop the infrastructures of information and communication technology is the most important economic obstacles.
Table 1: descriptive results relevant to economic obstacles

Question 2: what are the structural obstacles of the information literacy development of faculty member in region1 Islamic Azad Universities?
According to table 2 results, the structural obstacles components of the information literacy development of faculty member are greater than 3, in faculty member,s opinion. Unsuitable planning to develop information and communication technology and not being update management executive structure about new technology are the most important structural obstacles.
Table 2: descriptive results relevant to structural obstacles

Question 3: what are the cultural obstacles of the information literacy development of faculty members in region1 Islamic Azad Universities?
According to table3 results, the cultural obstacles components of the information literacy development of faculty members are greater or close to 3, in faculty member,s opinion. Not being necessity of modern technology use is the most important cultural obstacles.
Table 3: descriptive results relevant to cultural obstacles

Question 4: what are the human obstacles of the information literacy development of faculty member in region1 Islamic Azad Universities?
According to table 4 results, the human obstacles components of the information literacy development of faculty members are greater or close to 3, in faculty member,s opinion. Low attention to educational needs to develop modern technology is the most important human obstacles.
Table 4: descriptive results relevant to human obstacles

In table 6 are given mean and standard deviation relevant to all of the obstacles. The results show that in faculty member,s opinion, the most important obstacles of their information literacy development is economic obstacles. Technology, structural, cultural and human are after economic obstacles.

Table 6: ranking of the obstacles of information literacy development

In present research, the faculty members of region1 Islamic Azad Universities express that economic obstacles is the most important obstacles of their information literacy development, so we should capitalize and plan in this base. Creation of a structure appropriate to world changes is an essential need that we should notice it, so the cognition of structural obstacles is important. In faculty member,s opinion, structural obstacles introduced based on priority as second obstacles.
We need to create culture appropriate to requirements in order to change, so information literacy development and use of modern technology need to suitable culture too. In faculty member,s opinion, cultural obstacles is third obstacles of information literacy development. Planning to remove these obstacles to change specially in modern technology field can provide base of information literacy development. In faculty member,s opinion, these obstacles have less influence, but notice them is necessary. The result of this research is in accordance with Modir Amani,s (2005), Montazer,s (2005), Effat Nezhad,s (1381), Qadery,s (2006), Anderson (2006). Hepworth,s (2000), Preussler,s (1998 until2000), Garsia,s et al (2004), Pelgrum,s (2001) researches.

براي ارسال نظر، بايد در سايت عضو شويد.

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