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هدیه معنوی این مجموعه را به روح پاک مادر و پدر بزرگوارم تقدیم می کنم و از همه خوانندگان محترم برای ایشان التماس دعا دارم
موضوع: مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات خارجي ISI    نويسنده: administrator    تاريخ: 13 مرداد 1393    بازديدها: 1508
Investigation of the relations between emotional intelligence and organizational sociability with productivity of faculty members of Islamic Azad Universities of Fars Province

1. Abolfazl Abbasi
M.A Student Educational Management, shiraz university, and Employee Education, Larestan. Iran

2.D.r Seyed Ahmad Hashemi
PhD, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran

3. Ahmad. Kohansal.
Teacher , Jam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.

This research tries to investigate the relations between emotional intelligence and organizational sociability with productivity of faculty members of Islamic Azad Universities of Fars Province. This is a correlative and statistical society survey consisting of 2131 faculty members of Islamic Azad University in district one in academic year of 2012-2013. In this study, population statistics were 325 persons according to Morgan’s table. Some universities are chosen based on cluster random sampling from the IAU of Fars to be included in evaluation. Three questionnaires of emotional intelligence, organizational sociability and productivity evaluation are used for gathering data after indicating their validity and reliability. The data were analyzed by using inferential statistics methods (Pearson's correlation coefficient and multivariate regression) via SPSS19 software. Results indicated that there is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational sociability with productivity of faculty members and organizational sociability can predict the productivity. Likewise, among emotional intelligence parameters, two of which, emotion’s productivity and emotion’s evaluation predicts productivity in which emotion’s productivity has more effect. Among sociability parameters, three of which, integrity, belief on organizational values and long term results preference, are significant with faculty member’s productivity and are able to predict productivity for which the integrity parameter has more effect.
emotional intelligence, productivity, organizational sociability, faculty members.
Nowadays the importance of productivity is not concealed to anyone due to the technology, increase in challenges, and variety of tastes. Productivity is a terminology which is noted both in immense and small levels and includes a range of individual and worldwide productivity. In spite of its widespread usage, productivity is not clearly understood for most of the managers and they limit this concept based on their own subjectivity. As Sink contends it “the productivity is the most important concept in management affairs, but unfortunately it is the least understood term” (alvani, ahmadi , 2002). In fact, of the most essential goals which organizations tend to trace are permanent productivity, quality and innovations. Therefore, these goals create a system in which they are in mutual relationships. For reaching the productivity, optimal usage of resources or efficiency, or gaining the goal or effectiveness is necessary (shariatmadari, 2007, 35). In addition, theoreticians like Meyer and Allan (1991), Klasrfeld (2009), Bogaert (2005) and Boehman (2006) have emphasized the productivity related on efficiency and effectiveness. In effectiveness, people are searching for getting the processes done correctly for the organization to reach its goal. The important matter in effectiveness is reaching the goals propitiously. Effectiveness relates with quality to large extent whereas the central issue here is the optimal output (Hamedani, 2003, 65). Productivity is one of the factors which guarantees the existing and survival of an organization in challenges. Prevalence of productivity culture brings about the optimal usage of all material and spiritual facilities and perpetually helps bourgeoning the potentials of organizations without any requirement to increase work force and technology. Propitious productivity doesn’t come with changing the structures, increasing technology, editing the working module or issuing new sections. Whereas, human is the center of every kind of individual-social and organizational productivity (Henri and etal, 2011). Thus, improvement of productivity particularly in educational system which is a victim of rapid change must be regarded and concerned. Lambert (2004) indicates many factors influential on organizational productivity including capable and efficient human force. Actually human force is the principle element of organizational productivity which requires full dimensional social and behavioral improvement. Meanwhile, the matter of intelligence as a basic feature which brings about individual differences has since the beginning of the written history been the center of attention (Vaung and Love 2003). One of the aspects of intelligence is the emotional intelligence which is meant those fundamental aspects of individual’s behaviors that are utterly different with his thought and rational capabilities (Beradbri and Grioz, trans. Ebrahimi, 2009). Emotional intelligence is a collection of unknown capabilities, knowledge and skills which positively influence on capability of facing with the predicaments (Sharifi Daramad, 2008). According to some studies on predictive emotional intelligence parameters, a criterion is counted for behavioral indexes including self-satisfaction and functioning (Orchestermera and Fernandez, 2005). Therefore, emotional intelligence as an individual mechanism can provide the grounds for proper effectiveness and efficiency in every organization such as, in particular, higher educational system.
Of the most important factors for economic and social development in different societies is regarding the constructive and influential role of human force, since human, in spite of other creations, possesses creativity and efficacious role which can improve his deeds both qualitatively and quantitively. Educated and schooled human force can use most efficiently from the resources with his thought and intelligence (Vefanjad, 2004:1) skillful individuals are known as an investment which has the capability of reproduction. In fact, in all the developed and developing societies, improving human forces are performed actively and dynamically. In fact, in social organizations, organizational sociability of individuals has to be considered more closely. Sociability is a process in which individuals transform to social entities and organizational sociability is a process from which organizational cultural clerks self-instruct themselves to transfer their knowledge to the others (Shenaider, 2004, 531). Improving organizational sociability starts in management level. Success or failure of the productivity and trends depends on practical operations of managers.
Nowadays, one of the concerning problems in universities is that personnel have not organizational sociability and as a results, do not feel loyal to the organization. People feel lackluster in loving their jobs as they should and do not feel much satisfied and belief on organizational values. As a result, negative effects on higher educational systems will be: malfunctioning, request of quitting the job, absence, enervating the efficiency in educational system. Organizational sociability is those variables which have been proved important by the experts. This defines as a motivation for an individual to learn the organizational values and norms and lets them to perform activities as a member of the organization (Helena, De and Cooper, 2006). Connen (2007: 75-76) contends that in sociability, an individual learns necessary skills for a social life in an organization or society and learns how to communicate with others and how to develop organizational activities. In this vein, organizational sociability is posed as a innovative trend in organizations which helps people to be responsible and capable members of their own organizational societies to perform their roles most efficiently. Therefore, as aforementioned, emotional intelligence and sociability of members can provide the grounds of organizational productivity. Many researches have also been done in the same regards. Rastavi’s research (2009) titled surveying the relationship of emotional intelligence and self-effectiveness of 120 personnels of organization in which the results showed that there existed a significant and positive relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational performance of personnel. Gazad (2008) in a researched titled the role of sociology and psychology on organizational productivity showed that emotional intelligence significantly predicted the productivity of the personnel. Kedir, Kamio, Barbaco, Cooler and Shawlter (2009) likewise, in a research understood that emotional intelligence influences personnel’s perfomativity propitiously. Sy (2006) in a research on 400 personnel of different companies figured out that those with high emotional intelligence possessing virility, energy, independence and happiness performed better and were more optimistic and less defensive facing stress. Thomas and etal (2009) in their researched showed that emotional intelligence had a significant relationship with their performativity in the work. About organizational sociability and its relationship with the other parameters, there have not been any central research. Though in this regard, Helena and Cooper (2006) stated that organizational sociability as a process which results in learning values, functions and required behaviors, can optimally and properly increase the effectiveness of the personnel.
The present research aims to survey the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational sociability with productivity of faculty members of IAU of Fars province. The research questions therefore are:
1. Is there a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational sociability with productivity of faculty members?
2. Which of emotional intelligence parameters is a significant predictor for productivity of faculty members?
3. Which of organizational sociability is a significant predictor for productivity of faculty members?

Materials and Methods
This is a descriptive correlation survey research. The population statistics includes 2131 of faculty members of IAU of Fars province in 2012-2013 academic years. The samples according to Morgan’s table are 325 persons. Some universities are chosen based on random cluster sample from the IAU of Fars to be included in investigation.

Research instruments:
1. Emotional questionnaire: for measuring emotional intelligence, the revised scale of emotional intelligence of Austen and etal (2004) is used. This scale is a self-reporting questionnaire designed based on Likerites’ 5 item as completely agree, agree, no idea, disagree and highly disagree with 41 questions. This questionnaire designed with items based on three sectioned model of Shote and etal (1998) with 33 questions. However 33 item of this model was increased to 41 to avoid the partiality. 21 questions of counter-response were included ( Austin etal 2004). In a research done by Beshaarat (2007) on Iranian culture, the same three factors were gained and questioned were put as following: emotional conduction: (questions 2,12,15,21,29,30, 35,37,38); emotional productivity (questions 4,9,10,23,25,26,34) and emotional evaluation (questions 6,8,17,22, 28,31,36,39,40). Validity coefficient was calculated with Crunbakh Test which in general, for all the questionnaire of emotional intelligence was 0/88, emotional conduction 0/76, productivity 0/82 and emotional evaluation 0/79.
2. Organizational sociability questionnaire: for surveying organizational sociability of faculty members, this questionnaire was used invented originally by Ralph Ketz and Moqimi translated it in 1377. It is a designated based on Likerites’ 5 item as highly agree, agree, no idea, disagree and highly disagree. To what extent were the responders agree or disagree was measured in 16 point. For checking its reliability, questionnaires were put in hands of experts and after the final revisions and confirmation, used for data gathering. Checking the validity of questionnaires, it was measured 0/83 according to Crunbakh Alfa coefficient.
3. Productivity questionnaire: for measuring the productivity, Smit and etal (1998) questionnaires were used which assessed authenticity and practicality. These questionnaires were designed in designated based on Likerites’ 5 item of completely agree, agree, no idea, disagree and highly disagree and To what extent were the responders agree or disagree was measured by 17 points. reliability of the questionnaires was evaluated 0/89 by experts based on Chrunbakh Alfa coefficient.
Results and Discussions
After gathering all questionnaire for data analysis, Pearson’s correlative coefficient and multivariate Regression’s analysis were used which simultaneously checked relationship between prediction and criterion variables. Results are as following: First question: Is there a significant relationship between emotional intelligence an organizational sociability with productivity of faculty members? Correlative co-efficient is calculated between prediction and criterion variables, table (1). It is observed that there exists a significant and direct relation between each one of the prediction variables and productivity (p-value<0/05).
Table (1). Correlative matrix between emotional intelligence and organizational sociability with productivity
Table (2) shows the results of multivariate regression’s analysis. Regarding the amount of F and p-value which is less that 0/05, it can be concluded that regression was significant and prediction variables (i.e. emotional intelligence and organizational sociability) can predict the criterion variables. Likewise, the amount of correlative multivariate coefficient equaled 0/477 and indicator co-efficient equaled 0/23 which proves that prediction variables all together can suggest 23 percent of changes to productivity. Regarding the sum of t and p-value, it is seen that merely the beta co-efficient related to organizational sociability is significant. This signifies that organizational sociability has most effect in indicating changes and productivity prediction.

Table (2): Regression’s mutli-dimensional analysis between emotional intelligence and organizational sociability with productivity
Second question: which of the parameters of emotional intelligence are significant predictor for faculty members productivity? Correlative coefficient between emotional intelligence and productivity in table (3) was calculated. It is seen that between all the parameters of emotional intelligence and productivity there exist a significant and direct relationship (p-value<0/05).

Table (3): correlative matrix between emotional intelligence and productivity

Table (4) shows the results of regression multivariate analysis. Regarding the sum of F and p-value related to that which is lesser than 0/05, it can be concluded that regression was significant and prediction variables (i.e. emotional intelligence variable) can predict the criterion variable. Likewise, the sum of correlative multivariate coefficient was 0/424 and indication coefficient obtained 0/18 which signifies that prediction variable can indicate 18 percept of changes to productivity variable. Regarding F and p-value related to that, it shows that the sum of alfa for emotional productivity and emotional evaluation is significant whereas the emotional productivity parameter shares most in prediction of productivity.
Table (4) Regression’s multivariate analysis for between emotional intelligence and productivity.
Question three: which of the parameters of organizational sociability significantly predicts the faculty members’ productivity? Correlative co-efficient between parameters of organization sociability and productivity is calculated in table 5. As seen, there is a significant and direct relationship between parameters of integrity, belief on organizational values, long term preferences with productivity of faculty members.

Table 5 correlative matrix between organizational sociability with productivity

Table 6 regression multivariate parameter with organizational sociability with productivity

Table 6 shows the result from Regression’s mutli-dimensional analysis. Regarding the sum of F and p-value related to that was less than 0/05. It can be concluded that Regression has been significant and prediction variables (i.e. organizational sociability) can predict criterion variables. Likewise, the amount of multivariate correlative coefficient equaled 0/601 and indication coefficient equaled 0/36 which signifies that prediction variables overall can indicate 36 percet of all the changes related to productivity changes. Regarding the amount of t and p-value related to that, it is seen that the Beta sum for parameters of integrity, belief on organizational values and long term preferences are significant. Also, it is seen that integrity parameter has more proportion in indicating and predicting the productivity and after that belief on organizational values and long term preferences respectively.
This study aimed at surveying the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational sociability with productivity of faculty members of IAU of Fars province. The results show that correlative coefficient between emotional intelligence and productivity was significant and between the two variables there exists a significant relationship (table1 ). Likewise, it was observed that between all the parameters of emotional intelligence and productivity, exists a significant relationship (table 3) however, among them just the sum of beta related to emotional productivity and emotional evaluation were significant. This means that these two parameters can predict the productivity but emotional productivity parameters had the most prediction effect (table 4). The results of this study are in the same vein with Rastoy (2009), Samuel and Salami (2008), Keider, Kamikava, Barbara, Cooler and Shawlterz (2009), See (2006) Thomas etal (2009).
Likewise the results showed that correlative coefficient between organizational sociability and productivity was significant and between these two variables there exists a significant relationship (table 1). Among the organizational sociability parameters, merely the relationship between parameters of integrity, belief on organizational values and preference of long term results was significant with productivity of faculty members (table 5) and also its beta sum. This means that these three parameters can predict the productivity but integrity parameter has more effect (table 6). The results of this research are in the same vein with results of Helena and Cooper (2006).
Findings can conclude that emotional intelligence and organizational sociability influence the productivity of faculty members to a large extent. Therefore, it is suggested to pay more attention to such concepts. Accordingly, followings are suggested:
1. Conducting organized training of faculty members with the aim of growing their emotional intelligence and sociability
2. For sustaining the significant relationship between emotional intelligence and productivity which the results showed, only productivity and evaluation parameters from emotional intelligence parameters have significant relationship with productivity. It is suggested to the managers to provide organizational conditions in a way to contrive more productivity. It is required to regard these parameters with great precision.
3. For sustaining the significant relationship between organizational sociability with productivity which the results showed, only integrity, belief on organizational values and preference of long term results parameters from the organizational sociability parameters have significant relationship with productivity and between the other parameters and productivity there exists no significant relationship. It is therefore suggested to the managers to provide the grounds for more organizational sociability.
4. Holding conferences and training workshops for conveying the innovative ideas into the organizations related to the parameters
5. Noticing the intelligence needs and sociability of faculty members.

براي ارسال نظر، بايد در سايت عضو شويد.

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