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هدیه معنوی این مجموعه را به روح پاک مادر و پدر بزرگوارم تقدیم می کنم و از همه خوانندگان محترم برای ایشان التماس دعا دارم
موضوع: مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات خارجي ISI    نويسنده: administrator    تاريخ: 13 مرداد 1393    بازديدها: 1520
The relationship between decision-making styles of four-dimensional model of Robbins with managers’ creativity and innovation: A FIELD STUDY OF LAMERD CITY IN IRAN

Seyed Ahmad Hashemi
PhD, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.

The primary aim of this study was to explore the relationship between creativity and innovation with a variety of decision-making styles of school administrators. The research method is descriptive-correlational. The statistical community are 110 Lamerd school managers among which 90 were chosen randomly. This research utilizes two measuring methods namely, Decision-making style (Robbins 1991) and organizational innovations scale (Zareie, 2006). The reliability coefficient was obtained by a retest using a two-week intervals and they are 0.73 and 0.67 respectively which are meaningful in 0.01 level. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statistic methods (Frequency and Frequency Percentage) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation, multiple regression and independent t-test). Results showed that people were using more functional and cognitive styles in decision-making and preferred other styles less. In addition, there is a meaningful relationship between school managers’ decision-making style and innovation and style of decision-making behavior is the best predictor of organizational innovation. (P-Value0.05), but the results shows significant differences between male and female managers in the two dimensions of organizational innovation that is structural dimension (P-Value=0.003 P-Value), But other styles of decision-making, organizational innovation don’t have significant relationship with cultural dimension.
According to the results obtained for the structural organizational innovation can be seen that the behavioral decision style most significant direct relationship (0.14) and analytical decision style have most significant inverse relationship (0.27) with the structural organizational innovation (0.01> P-Value), But other styles of decision-making, don’t have significant relationship between the structural and organizational innovation.
Also, according to the results obtained for the human resources organizational innovation can be seen that the only significant direct relationship of behavioral decision style (0.22) with the human resources organizational innovation. (0.05> P-Value). And other decision-making styles have no significant relationship between with the human resources and organizational innovation.

Second question: Which style of decision-making, a significant predictor for innovation?
To answer this question, the result of the multiple regression method was used, which is expressed in the following table.

In this table it can be seen that the multiple correlation coefficient is equal to 0.41. In other words, 41% of the overall decision-making styles are correlated with organizational innovation. The coefficient of determination is equal to 0.17 obtained, which shows that 17 percent of the variation between organizational innovations through the various styles of decision variables is described. To determine which of the various decision-making styles are much more innovation is needed Note to explain the structure factor of the significant level of standardized regression beta. According to the results, the predictive power of a positive and significant behavioral style is higher (0.01> 0.004= P-Value) and then there is the analytical style.

Third question: Which style deciding dimension significant predictor of cultural innovation?
To answer this question, the results of the multiple regression method were used, which is expressed in the following table.
According to the results of the table, the multiple correlation coefficients are equal to 0.37. Overall, 37 percent of decision-making styles that are correlated with the innovation culture. The coefficient of determination equal to 0.14 and indicates that 14% of the variance of the innovation culture is described among the variables (types of decision making styles). Also be noted that the analytical and behavioral styles have significant positive predictive power.(0.05> P-Value).

Four Question: Which style of decision is the significant predictor of structural innovation? To answer this question, the result of the multiple regression method was used, which is expressed in the following table.

The results can be seen in this table show that the multiple correlation coefficients are equal to 0.36. In other words, 36% of decision styles are correlated with the structural innovations. The coefficient of determination equal to 0.12 obtained, which indicates that 12% of the variance in the structural innovation predicted is described by variables (types of decision styles). Also be noted that the style of idealism and pragmatism have significant positive predictive power.

Fifth Question: Which is a significant predictor of decision style, the human resources innovation?
To answer this question, the result of the multiple regression method was used, which is expressed in the following table.

The table shows the results of this question multiple correlation coefficients are equal to 0.28. In other words, decision making styles are correlated with the human resources innovation. The coefficient of determination equal to 0.08 obtained, which suggests that 8% of the variance in the variables is described between innovation human resources (types of decision making styles). Also, only the predictive power of a positive style decision making behavior is significant. ) 0.04 P-Value). Those cultural dimension scores of men are more than women. And in average the structure women are more than men.
The results of the research results is consistent with Zohuri (2008), Talaee (2006), Jangholi (2001), Tavakoli (2000), Akbarzadeh(1996), Najaf aghaei ( 2002 ), Hosseini (1999), Alvani (1991)
Finally, it seems necessary to mention here that none of the decision-making style preference and is not superior to another. In any event, one of them will get the best results. Therefore, people just use one of these styles cannot always be successful. Also, if someone decides to indulge in using one of these styles, it cannot have a good cooperation with others. On the other hand the result of a joint initiative by several factors including thinking style and the condition is favorable. Sternberg (1998) argues that the greatest success is achieved when light conditions are coordinated with individual decisions.

براي ارسال نظر، بايد در سايت عضو شويد.

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