Deprecated: mysql_escape_string(): This function is deprecated; use mysql_real_escape_string() instead. in /home3/drhashemi/public_html/engine/classes/mysqli.class.php on line 151  Development of human sources competence is the necessity of organizational processes development » وب سایت دکتر سید احمد هاشمی در شیوه های نوین آموزش
هدیه معنوی این مجموعه را به روح پاک مادر و پدر بزرگوارم تقدیم می کنم و از همه خوانندگان محترم برای ایشان التماس دعا دارم
موضوع: مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات خارجي ISC    نويسنده: administrator    تاريخ: 13 مرداد 1393    بازديدها: 1049
Development of human sources competence is the necessity of organizational processes development

Doctor Sayed Ahmad Hashemi
PhD, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd Branch, , Iran

Mohammad Sadeqh Hoseini
Bndrjask faculty member of Islamic Azad University - Tehran

Abolfazl Abbasi
M.A Student Educational administration, shiraz university, and Employee Education, Larestan. Iran

Modern social organizations due to the expansion of economic & industrial activities should prepare, preserve & manage a set of powerful manpower in large & diverse scale.
Nowadays skillful & autonomous manpower is the most important factor of dynamism in an advanced community. Social, scientific & industrial organizations cannot be successful without a constant discipline. Therefore, in order to achieve noticeable successes & realize the ideals of humanity, managers should utilize different management principals & concepts & applying them tactfully & carefully.
In fact, manpower is considered as a precious asset, which has a production power. All of the advanced & developing countries are trying to equip & preserve the manpower comprehensively & dynamically. According this devising the patterns, which can respond to the different requests of the community by developing the human competence become necessary.
This research with analytical-descriptive approach studies the theoretical concepts associated with the development of human resources & their role in developing the organizational processes through an analytical & descriptive method.
Key words: human resources development, competence, system model, organizational process

Nowadays one of the most important & most basic activities in the organizations in order to cope positively with changes & healthy competition is to utilize the systems that can make innovation & improvement in manpower to reach the desired objectives of that organization.
Our century is a changing age & the human is affected by these changes, in fact, our world is like a raging ocean & the changes are its tidal waves that launch the humans from side to side in each moment. (Asadi, 1900)
One of the most important factors of social & economical developments is to consider the important & effective role of manpower because the humans, unlike the other creatures have creativity &an efficient role in promoting the quantitative & qualitative aspects of their works & with inventing the new methods, they can solve their possible problems.
Educated & skillful manpower by using his thought & his intellection can utilize the resources in the best way.(vafanejad, 2003)
If the organizations do not have enough creative, astute & educated employees, they will lose many opportunities. For being a universal organization & staying at this level, training & replacing new employees for reaching progress is necessary.
The future belongs to those who have planned for it. Therefore, changing in manpower & organizational structure become unavoidable & the specialists in management science believe that changes & reforms in manpower are the roots of all successes in the organizations. It is obvious that if we do not make any reforms & changes in human resources management, organizations will be doomed. Then planning for developing the human resources is necessary & important. Accordingly, the present research with the aim of developing the human sources is studying the methods of reaching this aim & at the end; it will present a pattern for increasing the human sources’ competence.
The meaning of human source development
If we want to present a practical description for human sources development, we can use the Walton description.
Walton describes human source development as a set of organizational activities that are done in a definite period in order to make behavioral changes in the employees. (Saebi, 2003)
The aim of human sources expansion is to provide the essential skills which by use of them the employees become able to getting themselves ready for handling more burdens as well as reaching the higher ranks in their job so the purpose of training programs which are about human sources development is to increase the skills of the employees without considering their recent or future job.
The most significant strategic sources in each organization or community are human sources.
Communities which can develop & train their human sources correctly & provide some hardworking, faithful, theist persons along with strengthening the human knowledge, cognition & necessary technical skills, will be successful in the future. (Mirsepasi, 1999)
Organizations should provide the conditions that are necessary for succeeding in national production by developing & training their human sources.
Human resources development strategies:
Establish a correlation between efficiency & effectiveness:
For optimum productivity in the organizational processes we need that the organization‘s persons combine the effectiveness & efficiency of processes reasonably & thus by creating a consolidated approach they can increase the productivity. One of the aspects of human resource development in developing quality is that the employees learn to pay attention to the effectiveness & efficiency of the processes simultaneously & make the reasonable fit between them. This combination can be expressed as follows:
Efficiency + effectiveness =organizational productivity
If the effectiveness & efficiency increase, the organizational productivity will become higher; on the contrary, the organizational productivity will reduce if the effectiveness & efficiency decrease.
Empowering the organization‘s persons in order to increase the efficiency & effectiveness:
Empowerment has a special & general sense & numerous interpretations.
This diversity of definitions & approaches removes the integrity from the meaning of empowerment.
Some items such as intrinsic motivation, understanding & commitment, career structure, power or authority transmission, sharing resources & information, are applied in the definition of empowerment. (Robbins, 2002)
Empowerment is a continuous & permanent process & it is analyzed in a dynamic environment at different levels.
Empowerment notes the subjects such as motivation, psychological & structural changes, cultural& historical elements, organizational values & attitudes.
Interaction between organizational values & employees’ personal values:
Creating an interaction between the organization‘s overall identified objectives (tough values) & employee‘s personal values (smooth values) is the main challenge which an organization is faced with it to carry out its activities.
The views represent the way that is ahead of us, but for realizing the visions in practice, a manager needs the creativity of the employees. In fact, existence of participation culture in an organization is a way of performing the duties properly. A positive & efficient culture can provide the possibility of realizing the standpoints & this matter is so important for reaching the general & personal goals. Identifying the organization‘s values & recognizing the needs, employee‘s goals & making an interactions between them can result in an efficient, effective & organizational manner.
Skill of combining the process-oriented approach with the result-oriented approach in the organizations:
The process-oriented approach is acceptable when it considers the processes reasonably but if it emphasized the processes extremely it would ignore the quality.
This approach gives originality to the working & thought processes, but less optimal results are achieved.
The result-oriented approach ignores the working & thought processes & considers the conclusion & the quality. It is obvious that the results not achieved without the processes. Therefore, according to these mentioned approaches it is reasonable to combine these two approaches in a sensible way by defining appropriate criteria. The combination of these approaches does not appear spontaneously, but the organizational humans can create it with training & development. Accordingly, it is essential that all of the employees at all organizational levels be equipped with this skill.
Value engineering approach in working & organizational processes
One indicator of effectiveness & efficiency in working & organizational processes is to achieve the value engineering from the deepness of the processes.
Value engineering as an efficient technique for meeting the project‘s objectives with minimum cost &keeping the quality has a great importance.
Value engineering is an organized attempt for analyzing the performance of systems, equipment & services in order to access to actual performance with minimum cost during the project lifetime. (Ameli, 2002)
Value engineering has a practical & pragmatic approach with a systematic analysis of the issues.
According the value engineering‘s attitude alternative approaches should be presented in order to reduce the costs & increase the quality.
Alternative approaches must have two important features, effectiveness & efficiency. (Salimi, 2002)
For creating value engineering in processes, the social & technical aspects of them should be verified.
Technical aspects are the processes that describe technology, standards & strategies. The social aspects are the processes that refer to the employees, jobs & incentives. (Qulijli, 2000)
Customer oriented approach for effectiveness & efficiency:
Customers have a special position in the organizational culture & since all of the employees in each job category should serve the customers so customer oriented culture has become common & popular in all of the organizations.
Peter Draker (1984) said that the only valid definition of the organization‘s target is to attract the customers.
The skill of gladdening the customers is achieved when the employees receive the necessary training. Customer-oriented companies try to teach the employees who serve the customers how to give a proper response to the customers & their requests.
Training should be presented continuously during the period of working through which the employees become able to respond to changes in technology, processes, customers & job requirements properly. (Aali,2002)
Nowadays manpower is the most important factor in manufacturing.
In the old times, the human thought that the material resources & capital could determine the direction of economical & social development in a country but in the current world, efficient human resources have the main influence in determining the direction of country‘s economical & social development .
Effectiveness & efficiency of the organizational processes are two basic pillars & if they realize they will guarantee the productivity of the organization.
The thing which has a central role in making the processes effective & efficiently is to develop the human sources in various fields such as attitudinal, behavioral, occupational, technical, cognitive, creativity & work conscientiousness aspects. Therefore, in this way the employees can think about doing the correct works (effectiveness) & performing their duties correctly (efficiency) & make their thoughts operational.
Training & developing the human sources by means of making correlation between efficiency & effectiveness, empowering the employees, training the employees, setting interactions between the general values of the organization & personal values of the employees, combining the process-oriented approach with the result-oriented approach , value engineering strategy in organizational & working processes, considering to customer orientation strategy, can help the effectiveness & proficiency of the organizational processes .

براي ارسال نظر، بايد در سايت عضو شويد.

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