Deprecated: mysql_escape_string(): This function is deprecated; use mysql_real_escape_string() instead. in /home3/drhashemi/public_html/engine/classes/mysqli.class.php on line 151  Surveying the connection between the “emotional intelligence” & the“ job performance” of high school‘s managers of Laristan town » وب سایت دکتر سید احمد هاشمی در شیوه های نوین آموزش
هدیه معنوی این مجموعه را به روح پاک مادر و پدر بزرگوارم تقدیم می کنم و از همه خوانندگان محترم برای ایشان التماس دعا دارم
موضوع: مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات خارجي ISC    نويسنده: administrator    تاريخ: 13 مرداد 1393    بازديدها: 1202
Surveying the connection between the “emotional intelligence” & the“ job performance” of high school‘s managers of Laristan town.

Doctor Sayed Ahmad Hashmi
PhD, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd Branch, , Iran

GHodratollah Mohammadi
p.h.d Student Educational administration, shiraz university

Abolfazl Abbasi
M.A Student Educational administration, shiraz university, and Employee Education, Larestan. Iran

The aim of this survey is to study about the relationship between the “emotional intelligence”& the“ job performance” of high school‘s managers & deputies.
Statistical population, which is applied in this research includes all of the managers & deputies of the high schools, in fact, because of the smallness of our statistical population in this research, we use the method of census, in which all of the members of the statistical population have been studied & sampling was not done.
The devices for this research were the Aviston‘s questionnaire about the “emotional intelligence”& Nidel‘s questionnaire about the “job performance”.
The results of this research were analyzed by using the following methods.
1) Single- sample T test
2) Multivariate regression analysis
3) T test for independent groups.
The results of research have shown that there is a meaningful connection between all of the components of “emotional intelligence” & the“ job performance”.
Among the components of “emotional intelligence”, Evaluation component & emotional efficiency component are able to determine the job performances which totally explain 36 percent of its Variance.
Also the managers & deputies who have bachelor‘s degrees or higher evaluate their job performance better than the other people.

Considering to the organizational efficiency, which is the result of proficiency & effectiveness is one of the things which always managers think about it.
Undoubtedly employees’ performance is one of the things which can influence the efficiency of the organization. Accordingly, finding the factors which can improve the employees’ performance and thus improve the efficiency of the system is the requirements of human resources management in each organization. In fact performance evaluation is the way that managers can understand the employees ‘strengths & weakness & by identifying the factors which have an influence on the employees‘ abilities improve the organizational activities.
We can state that what employees perform maybe are related to the other factors & be influenced by personal, structural & cultural characteristics. Therefore, recognizing & improving these characteristics can increase the job performance.
One of the factors which influence the job, performance is the amount of manager‘s skills. Therefore “emotional intelligence” is considered as one of the necessities in improving job performance.
Intelligence is one of the items which cause differences between the humans & it has been considered from the ancient times.
“Emotional intelligence” includes knowledge, setting & expressing a range of emotions correctly. Therefore the ability of recognizing, expressing & controlling the emotions is one important aspect of “emotional intelligence” & the lack of abilities in each of these capabilities can result in disruptions to a person. In this regard MAIER & SALVI state that having “emotional intelligence” can improve many of the individuals‘behavorial performances such as job performance.
In this regard Extrmra & Frnandz believe that “emotional intelligence” is as a main predictor in improving persons‘performance in different aspects of life.
“Emotional intelligence” as a set of non-cognitive abilities influences knowledge, skills & ability of coping with different conditions successfully.
“Emotional intelligence” as a set of abilities such as self-awareness, empathy, self-regulation & social skills can affect the person‘s performance. Accordingly “emotional intelligence “as one of the impressive factors on the employee‘s job performance should be considered as an important factor.
Some surveys have been done in this regard, such as:
Rastvy has done a survey about the connection between the “emotional intelligence” & the effectiveness of 120 organizational employees. The results show that there is a meaningful & a positive connection between the “emotional intelligence”& the employee‘s organizational performance.
Gazda has done a survey about the effects of demographic & psychological factors on the organization‘s efficiency & the results show that “emotional intelligence” can predict the employees‘ performance meaningfully.
Coder, Kamikawa, Barbara, Kooker& Shultz concluded in their survey that “emotional intelligence” can improve the employees‘ job performance effectively.
Sy in a survey on 400 employees of different organizations deduced that the people who have high“emotional intelligence” are happier , more cheerful & have more independence in their job & they are more optimistic & can resist worries more than others.
Thomas & his colleague have shown in their survey that “emotional intelligence “has a positive & a meaningful connection with the “job performance“.
Therefore, this research studies the connection between the “emotional intelligence & the job performance of the high school managers of Laristan town.
The questions of this research:
1) How is the amount of emotional intelligence in the high school managers of Laristan town?
2) How is the status of job performance of managers from their perspective?
3) Is there any connection between emotional intelligence & job performance?
4) Can the components of emotional intelligence predict the job performances of the managers?
5) Are there any differences between the job performances of the managers, according to the level of their education?
The method of research:
This survey is a descriptive research from correlation kind.
The members of statistical population in this research are all of the high school managers of Laristan town which are ninety persons. Since the statistical population is small all of its members entered the research & 72 questionnaires were filled & then returned
For gathering data we use two questionnaires as follow:
1) “Emotional intelligence” questionnaire
2) “Job performance ”questionnaire

“Emotional intelligence” questionnaire:
In order to measure the amount of emotional intelligence we use the Aviston‘s revised emotional intelligence scale.
The durability coefficient in this questionnaire is calculated with Cronbach‘s alpha method which is 80% of general emotional intelligence, 55% for regulating emotion aspect, 59% for efficiency aspect & 54% for assessment of emotion aspect.

“Job performance” questionnaire:
This questionnaire is provided by Nidle & consists of 20 questions in five degrees and three domains of cognitive, behavioral & emotional. In order to determine the validity of this questionnaire the views of authorities are used & The durability of it is gained by applying it on a sample of thirty members & the amount of it by using Cronbach‘s alpha is 89%.
In order to analyze the achievements of the first & second questions of this research, we use the method of single sample T test, for analyzing the third question we use the method of the Pearson correlation coefficient, for the fourth question we use the method of multivariate regression analysis & for the fifth question the method of T test for two independent groups were used.
The achievements of the research:
The first question: How is the amount of emotional intelligence in high school managers of Laristan town?
For responding & analyzing this question single-sample T test is used.
The results of the T - test analysis can be seen in the table number one.
Table (1): the result of single- sample T test for emotional intelligence & its component

In this table you can see both the mean values & the meaningful values of emotional intelligence& each of its components.
The second question:
How is the job performance of managers from their perspective?
In order to determine the job performance of managers, we use the method of single- sample T test. The results of it can be seen in the table number two.
Table (2): the results of one sample T test for the “job performance”

With regard to twenty questions questionnaire & the job performance & the average score of three for each question, the mean amount of the questionnaire became 60 which is used as the hypothetical mean of the analysis.
The table (2) shows that the mean value(79.236) is higher than the hypothetical mean value & the single- sample T test has shown this meaningful different (P<0.05)
The third question:
Is there any connection between “emotional intelligence” & “job performance” of managers?
In responding to this question we use the Pearson correlation coefficient & the results of it can be seen in the table number three.
Table (3): Pearson correlation coefficient between emotional intelligence & job performance

As this table shows the amount of correlation coefficient between the emotional intelligence & the job, performance is positive & meaningful (p<0.05) in fact there is a meaningful connection between these two variables.
The fourth question:
Can emotional intelligence components predict the manager‘s job performance?
In order to determine the amount of prediction which each emotional component can anticipate the Beta coefficient has been used. The results of it have shown in the table (4)
Table (4): Beta coefficients & the meaningful levels between the components of emotional intelligence & manager‘s job performance

As this table shows that the amounts of Beta in efficiency component & emotional evaluation components are meaningful. This fact means that these two components can predict the performance. Therefore, regression simple equation based on Beta is as follows:
Y=0. 441 (x1) x1=efficiency
Y=0. 440 (x2) x2=Evaluation
This research was done in order to survey the connection between the Emotional intelligence & the job performance of high school managers of Laristan town.
Concerning the first question of the survey & amount of the emotional intelligence of school’s managers, results showed that: the value amount of emotional efficiency, which is gained through single-sample T test method is higher than the hypothetical mean value of each component.
Concerning the job performance of each manager ,results showed that the mean value is higher than the hypothetical mean amount & single sample T test show this difference meaningful (P<0.05) also the amount of correlation coefficient between these two variables, emotional intelligence & job performance, is positive & meaningful which means that these two variables have a meaningful connection.
With considering the other results of this survey we can realize that the amounts of Beta for emotional efficiency component & for emotional evaluation component are meaningful. This fact means that these two components can predict the job performance.
The results of this survey are in accordance & compatible with the results of the following scientists’ surveys.
Rastvi,Gazda,Kadir,Kmikava,Sy & Extermra

براي ارسال نظر، بايد در سايت عضو شويد.

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