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هدیه معنوی این مجموعه را به روح پاک مادر و پدر بزرگوارم تقدیم می کنم و از همه خوانندگان محترم برای ایشان التماس دعا دارم
موضوع: مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات خارجي ISC    نويسنده: administrator    تاريخ: 13 مرداد 1393    بازديدها: 1181
Investigating the Relationship between knowledge management and organizational culture in Islamic Azad University of Lamerd 2012-13 academic year

1. Seyed Ahmad Hashemi, 2. Seyed Moslem Hashemi, 3. Abolfazl Abbasi

1. PhD, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd Branch, , Iran

2. MA student, commercial management, Tarbiyat Modarres University.

3. M.A Student Educational administration, shiraz university, and Employee Education, Larestan. Iran

The aim of this study is to survey the relationship between knowledge management and organizational culture in in Islamic Azad University of Lamerd. The study is a descriptive correlational research. For sampling 105 members of faculty were sampled and to collect data we have used two questioeries from Denison organizational culture from with 88% reliability and Joseph Hadad’s knowledge management with %89 reliability. Data analysis was performed through Pearson statistical methods of correlation coefficient, multiple regression, t test and one-way variance analysis. After analyzing, we found that there was a clear relationship between knowledge management and knowledge components including knowledge recording, knowledge creation, and knowledge establishment seemed to predicat organizational intelligence.
Keyword: knowledge management, organizational intelligence, faculty members, university

Today organizations look at nonsense and moral and intangible capitals as an important and vital factor. Accessing to organizational knowledge actions should have a careful look at their organizational culture. Organizational culture is a basic factor in knowledge management field. Capability and ability in using information and technology and innovation capability in management and processes in turn are based on learning ability available in the organization.
Knowledge management system of learner organization must be able to coordinate the people's work activities and learning and also contains enough motivations and stimuluses' to absorb all of the members and make them be active in the organization. (Virsuk2010)
Based on the survey one of the most barriers of establishing of knowledge management is organizational culture and culture changing is one of the most important aspects of every knowledge management.(Desten and GariJui 2004 Page 246).
There for paying attention to the organization culture is necessary because it can be effective on all part of the organization.
Organizational culture can improve the organization or stop its improvement and it is potentially to the sake of the effect of culture on the behavior. So if we would like to study the success or unsuccessful of the organizations we must review the organizational culture.
Because an organizational board culture that encourages sharing and transforming the ideas is key factor of the success of the knowledge managers.(Lies 2004 Page 185)
Knowledge management is a process that helps the organizations to find, Select and organize the important information.
Knowledge management a specialty knowledge that is necessary for the problems such as solving the problems of active learning, strategic programing and making decision. (Ferguson 321,205)
Knowledge management is paying attention to the way of thinking about the organization and sharing think resources and it is a method for productivity and performance improvement.
In this management we are paying attention to the organizational culture for increasing performance in different ways.
Mr.Rahimi (1979) has discussed a survey about the relationship between organizational knowledge component (socialization, externalizing, combination and internalizing) and it is due to the population Jmghyt science details (age, sex, major, degree and employment position)
Survey method of this research has been descriptive correlative one. Population of this survey was 366 people of Isfahan University faculty that by getting use of simple use of simple accidental way among 85 people as samples were selected.
The results showed that there is relationship between knowledge management parts and creativity and there is a meaningful difference between the average of knowledge management of the faculty members due to their age, sex and major.
Mr.Sheikhi (2007) is his survey found out that there is a relationship between the organizational space and staff productivity in Tehran Province tax affair office and other factors such as organizational space, reward factors, supporting, knowledge, criteria and identity, predicate the productivity.
Hall (2005)has discussed in his PHD essay about "knowledge management at the times of changes: exchanging clear and implicit knowledge and analyzed the importance of knowledge management challenges during the dressing changes. The aim of this survey is validity of organizational knowledge management by analyzing the effect of mergering knowledge management in Texas health and service agencies.
Can Gas has discussed about the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management innovation. His results showed that in organizational culture, knowledge management may be a kind of effective strategic innovation and it will cause long life success, developing values and helping competitive benefits. Word (2006) Reviewed in a survey about knowledge management application in confirming executive making decision in a military environment.
This survey results showed that knowledge management innovation doesn't manage the management directly. On the contrary this subject managements the people who decide about innovations, external and internal environment to encourage them for publishing information to create knowledge with effective presentation of knowledge.
Research Theories
1. There is a meaningful relationship between the knowledge management and organizational culture.
2. There is a meaningful relationship between the knowledge management and organizational culture component.
3. Knowledge management components can predicate the organizational culture.
Research method
Present research is descriptive correlative kind population of this research contains all faculty members are 105 people. Sampling in this research we can use two kinds of questioner:
1. Organizations culture questioner:
In this research Denison standard questioner has been used. Tool equality has been calculated by using keronbakh Alofa%38.
2. Knowledge management knowledge questioner knowledge management questionery has been designed by Josef HADAD in 2006 and its validity is %79 this questioner has got 21 item and is based on like vet five spectrums, contains:
Knowledge creating , knowledge recording, and knowledge sharing. And we will use the descriptive frequency statistics index, average, percent and validity deviation and from understanding statistics way, person correlation coefficient,Regerson,T independent groups and one way variance analyzing.

To the above table we can find out that correlation coefficient that is obtained (36%)is less in significant level (p<.1) so there is a significant relationship between knowledge management and organizational knowledge and mentioned theory is confirmed.

As you see F amount is equal to (21.8) is significant (p<.1) so we get result that at least one of the former variance criterion predicating. Now in order to know how much the predicator variance can predicate former component variance from beta coefficient has been used from significant levels we can conclude that beta amount of knowledge creating component, knowledge recording and knowledge establishing hasn't been significant. So this component from omitting equation and regression is done again.

Table 2 Correlation between management component and organizational culture

According to the above table and observing correlation leveln coeficients and significant levels we can predicate the organization culture.(p<0.01)
Third research hypothesis:
Management component can predicate organizational culture .For looking over this theory we got used from multi Regression that the correlation of theses variances in the second theory was reviewed and then in order to predicate variance validity by predicator variances we have got used of variance analysis and coefficient of determination that its result is in the following table.

As you see F amount is equal with (21.18)is significant (p<0.01)So we can get result that at least one of the former variances between (knowledge management component) can be variance criterion predicating . Now in order to know how much the predicator variance can predicate former component variance from Beta amount of knowledge recording and knowledge establishing hasn't been significant. So this component from omitting equation and regression is done again.

As you observed after omitting knowledge sharing component from equation amount F equal to (24.7) has become significant (p<0.01)so we get result that predicator variances can predicate criterion variance. Now in order to know how much predictor variance can predicate the variance criterion it has been used of Beta coefficient. That according to the significant levels we can get result that knowledge component, knowledge recording has become significant. It means that these components can predicate organizational concluding discussion. The main aim of this research is studying the relationship between knowledge management and organizational culture among Lamerd Azad University faculty members.
For the first theory that has got a significant relationship between knowledge management and organizational culture.
Here we used Pearson statistics correlation coefficient and due to table (1) obtained criteria is significant. In the second theory that there is a significant relationship between knowledge management and organizational culture component.
It has got used from person correlation coefficient can conclude that there is a significant relationship between knowledge knowledge recording and knowledge creating with organizational culture.
The question that how every management component can predicates the organizational culture got used from Regresum multi statistics style and as you observed in table 4.knowledge components (knowledge creating) can predicate management culture. And knowledge component sharing that is one of the manage component isn't able to predicate organizational culture .
Therefore establishing knowledge creating process, knowledge recording and knowledge establishing can rise up the organizational culture. The result of this research is coordinate with Shekhi research and Hall 2005 2006 Alavi 2006.

براي ارسال نظر، بايد در سايت عضو شويد.

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